
As I drove in to work today, past the burning rubble and overturned cars... The city of Columbus smoldered on the horizon. Women and children roamed the streets in search of food and occasionally a few people would scrape on my windows as I drove past. Police are nowhere to be seen and crime runs rampant in the streets... Looting and theft are prevalent as most businesses lay in ruin.
It seems like only yesterday, the once mighty OSU Buckeyes were ranked number one and sat on top of the world. Today, however...is a new day. A dark cloud hangs over the city of Columbus today. As a city mourns and weeps over what could have been, it's heroes and Heisman winners are nowhere to be found. Someday this will all pass and the city will rise from the ashes like the mighty phoenix to the greatness of olden days... But not today.
None of this really happened. But I'm hoping to see some street fights or something.
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