impact: Medal of Honor

We've been talking with Joe, and it looks like we will be setting up a server to play a regularly scheduled round of Medal of Honor. Some of the most memorable moments at impact have been sitting across a table of people trying to kill you. And most of the time, that was Josh...sniping me from some tree.
So, this is a general call to arms. If you would be interested in playing a game of MOH once a week or so... Please respond and we'll be e-mailing you with the details. And don't be bringing your "I want to play World of Warcraft" garbage up in here. We shoot Nazi's at get over it.
The only requirements are that you are in some way connected or have been connected to impact. If you've ever been, wanted to go or weren't allowed because of jail time...You're in.
Let us know!
Oh, debbie... You just got shot in the upper torso by "Papageorgio".
heck yes...Debbie and her ******* sister are in over here in Springfield...I'll have to dig up a copy from somewhere now...
do you have to have a copy of the game to play?
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